
Friday 25 May 2018

The East German DSU tugs according to a CIA report dated 14 December 1953

An item reported that the East German Deutsche Schiffahrts- und Umschlagsbetreibe (DSU) possessed 100 steam and motor tugs originally all private property and of which some were in bad condition. The tugs were stationed at DSU-Berlin 62, DSU Magdeburg 27 and the remaining 11 at DSU Stralsund. Further more were a large number of tugs transferred to the DUS lacking names but numbered and of which 342 were operated by the DUS-Berlin, another 180 by the DSU-Magdeburg and details for DSU_Stralsund were lacking.

The report was published on, document number CIA-RDP81-01036R000100070044-6