An item was dealing with the economic malaise which also harassed the merchant shipping world wide. Lloyds stated in begin of that month 314 tankers with a total gross tonnage of 3.489.966 tons and another 596 cargo dry cargo ship with a total gross tonnage of 3.418.086 were laid up lacking employment. The month however was the situation even worse with 400 tankers with 4.149.383 gross tons and 721 dry cargo ships with 4.147,174 gross tons. Lloyds supplied fore some countries more details. So were for Italy 32 tankers with 290.907 gross tons and 64 dry cargo ships with 368.090 gross tons, Liberia 74 tankers/965.445 gross tons and 130 dry cargo ships/906.380. Panama 35 tankers/362.478 gross tons and 61 dry cargo ships/388.333 gross tons and finally the USA 39 tankers/397.752 gross tons and 27 dry cargo ships/211.340 tons.