Thursday, 3 November 2016

Nicknames for officers in the Royal British Navy according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1897-1898 No. 7

An item referred to the Army and Navy Journal dealing with the nicknames given by the crews of the British warships to their officers. A commanding admiral was the Ral, the commanding officer Skipper of the Old man, 1st officer Number One, gunnery lieutenant Gunnery Jack, navigation lieutenant the Master, chaplain Sky Pilot, Devil Dodger or Fire Escape, officer of administration Pusser, deputy administrator Ink-slingers, 1st machinist the Chief, doctor Sawbones, Dock or Pills, constable Wads, master Pipes, carpenter Chips, Wood Spoiler or Gate Maker, master at arms Jaundy, marines Jollies, sailors Flat Foot and the elder men Shell back.