Thursday, 8 September 2011

Colombian gunboats underway to Leticia according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland: staat- en letterkundig nieuwsblad daily edition dated 16 January 1933

The press association Reuter received tidings from Rio Janeiro that according to tidings from Manaoy the three Colombian gunboats Mosguera (1), Bayaca and Pichincha (2) were heading fro Leticia with on board 2,400 men armed with rifles and machineguns. At Manaoy were another four gunboats arrived which after loading coal also were destined towards Leticia.(3)

1. The sternwheel gunboat Presidente Mosquera with a displacement of 200 tons and as dimensions 150 x 35 x 3,5’ and armed in 1944-1945 with 2-37mm guns? There was in 1933 also a transport called Mosquera available still serving in the Second World War.
2. In 1944-1945 was still a coastguard patrol vessel Pichincha in service. She was launched at Chantiers et Ateliers de St. Nazaire, France 5 September 1925. With a displacement of 120 tons were her dimensions 100 x 20 x 8,5’. She was armed with 1-3” gun and 2 machineguns. The triple expansion engines and Thornycroft oil-fired boilers allowed a speed of 13 knots.
 3. These naval movements were caused by the Colombia-Peru war of 1932-1933. This was war was caused by the heavy sugar tariffs and a disagreement of the Salomó-Lozano Treaty dating from 1922 dealing with claims of both countries in the upper Amazon region.