Thursday, 8 September 2011

The Egyptian, French, Greek and Turkish navies in the Levant according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 3 January 1822

Candia, 2 November. According to an extract of a letter written by a French officer were the Greeks and Turkish fighting at several locations. The Turkish fleet, which he passed, numbered 70 ships including 4 ships of the line, 10 frigates and 10 corvettes. She was cruising in the Archipelago without acting against the islands which all declared themselves independent. Probably the fleet will soon seek shelter for the winter. Recently arrived a French frigate at Tenedos transporting 3.000.000 piasters sent by the pasha of Egypt to the sultan. The Porte requested the French admiral for a French ship suitable for this transport. It became the new model 60-gun frigate Jeanne d’Arc.(1) The pasha who visited the frigate requested the consul-general while regarded her as being a very beautiful ship to fitted out for him at Toulon, France two comparable frigates.

1. Jacques Vichot. RĂ©pertoire des navires de guerre francais. Paris, 1967. Laid down at Brest 1819, launched 1820 and last mentioned 1833. dated 13 May 2008 supplied the next details. Laid down 17 February 1719, launched 5 August 1820, commissioned 9 January 1821, stricken 26 October 1833 in 1850 still mentioned as a training ship for sailors at Brest but not mentioned on the Navy List dated 1865. A 2nd class 60 gun frigate with as dimensions 170’6”(waterline) x 43’2’(middle) x 21’4” and crew which numbered 441 men. Her sister ship was the l’Amazone. The armament consisted of 30-24pdrs on the gundeck and further more 26-36pdr carronades and 2-18pdrs on the spardeck.