Friday, 9 September 2011

The French frigate la Boudeuse and her actions at Algiers according to the Dutch newspaper Ommelander Courant dated 7 October 1794

Algiers, 15 August. After a voyage of 5 days arrived on 10 July the French frigate la Boudeuse captain Charbonier with on board 100.000 Spanish piaster to allow the French consul to buy corn. When she left 12 July tried an Englishman slave of the Dey to escape by swimming to the frigate and when he came on board he was returned by the captain to the Dey while he was just an Englishmen and while the National Convention ordered to kill all Englishmen taken prisoner by the French.

1. J. Vichot. RĂ©pertoire des navires de guerre francais. Paris, 1967 mentioned a frigate la Boudeuse laid down and launched in 1766 and last mentioned in 1800.