Wednesday 30 September 2015

Dutch navy transport Zr . Ms. Prins Willem Frederik Hendrik bound for the Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 27 September 1851

An item reported that the etat major of the Dutch transport Zr . Ms, Prins Willem Frederik Hendrik lieutenant 1st class J.H. Matthijsen bound fro Batavia, Dutch East Indies consisted of  lieutenants 2nd class J.C. Holtzapffel, J.H.A. de Ruuk and J.W. Binkes, officer of health 3rd class  P.J. Idenburg, officer of administration 3rd class J.J.F.A. Elders and midshipmen 1st class W.J. Scholten van Aschat, H.D. baron van Reede van Oudtshoorn, H.W. Walther and G. den Berger. On 1 October were to be added the lieutenants 1st class J.A.K. van Hasselt and W.A. de Gelder, officers of administration 3rd class J.L.C. Storck de Gelder and C. Verburg, adjunct administrator D.L. de Rochemont and the ship’s clerks J.H.C. Hansen, T.A. Mauwkelle, J.T.K. Wissel and B.M.E. Crevecoeur. Lieutenant 2nd class J.C. Holtzapffel was transferred to the guard ship Zr. Ms. Sambre at the Nieuwediep. After arrival at Batavia, Dutch East Indies was the etat major to be used by the commanding officer of the naval force their to replace officers of which time of service in the Dutch East Indies was expired and who would return with the transport back to the Netherlands.(1)

1. Launched at the shipyard of the Commercie Compagnie at Middelburg, Netherlands by F. Haverkamp on 10 September 1832, bought 1in 832, docked at the navy yard of Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands 20-25 November 1835, 24 October 1838-15 January 1839, 10-11 August 1840, 14-16 November 1843, 24-26 July 1844, 29 May-18 June 1845, 22-25 June 1847, 14 September-25 October 1849, 12-15 August 1851 and 20 September-14 October 1852, returning with damage from the Dutch East Indies condemned and sold lying in the Simonsbay, South Africa 1857, dimensions 33,70 x 9,14 x 3,80 metres and an armament of 8 guns.