Sunday 27 September 2015

Portuguese Faial-class patrol boats (1943) 1946-1971

The class consisted of former armed trawlers of the Royal Navy of which eight were lent to Portugal in 1943 during the Second World War. Five of the eight tarwlers belonged to the isles-class (P1, P3, P4, P 7 and the P 8), the P2 belonged to the Boom-class while the Pf and P5 were former private owned and now seized by the British government. Their man tasks were anti submarine warfare and minesweeping in the waters around the Azores and off the Portuguese coast. After the war were 4 of the 8 returned to the United Kingdom, the other four became Portuguese property as the Faial-class. In advance classified as patrol vessels, since1951 as minesweepers.

Common details of this class. Displacement 545 (standard)-650 (normal)-780 (maximum) tons and as dimensions 50 x 8,4 x 4,1 metres. A triple expansion 850hp steam engine. Speed 12 knots. The armament consisted of 1-7,6 Vickers-Armstrong cm anti aircraft gun, 1-2cm Oerlikon anti aircraft machinegun,2-7,7cm Browning anti aircraft guns and 2 depth charges mortars, 2 depth charges rails and 2 anti aircraft rockets (?). Their crew numbered 29 men.

Ex-HMS Bruray (T236) of the Royal Navy. Former P 1 1943-1946, renamed NRP São Miguel in June 1946, pennant M, since 1951 pennant M403 and out of service in 1956. Of the Isles-class, launched on 1 June 1942 at the shipyard of Cook Welton&Gemmell. Lent to Portugal between 8 October 1943-2 July 1945 and sold on 11 February 1946 to Portugal.

Ex-HMS Mangrove (T112) of the Royal Navy. Former P2 1943-1946, renamed NRP Faial in June 1946, pennant F since October 1946, M410 since 1951 and M351 since 1956, out of service in 1967. Launched at the shipyard of Ferguson on 15 February 1940. Lent to Portugal between 8 October 1943-27 June 1945 and sold on 11 February 1946 to Portugal. Dimensions 150 x 27.5 feet, displacement of 530 tons and in British service armed with 1-12pd gun.

Ex-HMS Hayling (T217) of the Royal Navy. Former P3 1943-1946, renamed NRP Terceira in June 1946, pennant T since October 1946, M402 since 1961, M393 since 1956 and out of service in 1957. Of the Isles-class, launched at the shipyard of Cook Welton&Gemmell on 17 August 1942. Lent to Portugal between 8October 1943-July 1945 and sold on 11 June 1946 to Portugal.

Ex-HMS Whalsay (T293) of the Royal Navy. Renamed NRP Santa Maria in June 1946, pennant MR in October 1946, M404 in 1951, M392 in 1956 and out of service in 1971. Of the Isles-class. Launched at the shipyard of Cook Welton&Gemmell on 4 April 1942, Lent to Portugal between October 1943-June 1945 and sold on 11 February 1946 to Portugal.