Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dutch paddle steamship 4th class Zr. Ms. Onrust stationed off Borneo, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 30 November 1864

An item dated referred to tidings dated 15 October dealing with the movements of the Dutch squadron in the Dutch East Indies reported that the Dutch steamship Zr. Ms. Onrust lieutenant 1st class P. Roodzant was stationed in the south and east department of Borneo, Dutch East Indies and now lying off Sintang, Dutch East Indies.(1)

1. Paddle steamship 4th class, call sign GQPN, iron-built. on stocks at the shipyard of Ned. Stoomboot Mij. Fijenoord, Rotterdam, Netherlands on 15 September 1860, launched in 1863 with yard number 62, disassembled, transported to the Dutch East Indies and in 1863 at Surabaya assembled, decommissioned on 1 September 1892, stricken 1892, sold for ƒ 8.400 in 1893, dimensions 45,72 x 6,50-12,4 (over paddle wheels) x 1,70m, 293 tons displacement, 3 (1-30pd, 2-12cm carronades)-4 (1885: 2-12cm, 2-7cm rifled )guns, horsepower 80 hp and a crew numbering 43-67 (45 Europeans and 22 natives) men.