Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dutch screw steamship 4th class Zr. Ms. Apeldoorn stationed at Riouw and Linga, Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 30 November 1864

An item dated referred to tidings dated 15 October dealing with the movements of the Dutch squadron in the Dutch East Indies reported that the Dutch screw steamship 4th class Zr. Ms. Apeldoorn lieutenant 1st class J.A.H. Hugenholtz was stationed in the waters around Riouw and Linga, Dutch East Indies and in the meantime departed towards Siak, Dutch East Indies.(1)

1. Laid down at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1859, launched in 1860, condemned and sold on a public auction at the navy establishment at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies on Saturday 3 March 1865, dimensions 38,00 x 8,16 x  3,20 metres, displacement 586 tons, horsepower 80 nhp/200 ehp, speed 6-7 knots, an armament of 6 guns and a crew numbering 75 men.