
Monday 28 September 2015

Dutch schooner brig Zr. Ms. Huzaar underway from the Dutch East Indies towards the Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated Thursday 21 August 1851

An item reported the departure on 12 June by the Dutch schooner brig Zr. Ms. De Huzaar lieutenant 1st class J.C. Baak from Batavia, Dutch East Indies towards Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands.(1)

1. Schooner brig also called schooner, laid down at the navy yard at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands 20 December 1842, launched 1844, docked at the navy yard at Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands 29 October-12 November 1844 to be coppered and fitted out with a false keel, and since 11 May 1852 being broken up, displacement 252 tons, dimensions 28,5 x 8,7 x 3,30 metres and an armament of 6 guns.