
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Dutch war- and merchants ships and foreign merchant ships lying off Samarang, Dutch East Indies on 10 May 1838 according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 20 September 1838

The Hague, 19 September. According to tidings from the newspaper Javasche Courant dated 12 until 16 May were on 10 May lying off Samarang.
Duth warships Zr.Ms. iron gunboat Hekla, and the gunboat No. 10.
Dutch merchant ships Sayan Maskoor, Nassau, Oud Alblas, brigs Mohien, Passiegier Borneo, Brekat Anjar, Oemarin, Gramin, Harriet, barks Kaliemaas, De Jonge Wilhelmina, Salamat, De Egmond and the schooners Inventio and Bientang Tiega.
British merchant ship Paris.
Chinese junk Oewantik and the wankang Tjoa Soenhing.