
Tuesday 6 September 2011

Movements of the Dutch E.I.C. ships in the Dutch East Indies in January-March 1685

The National Archive of Indonesia published on her website tables of contents of the so-called Daghregisters (Daily accounts) of the Castle Batavia. Unfortunately they are in Dutch. In those tables you can find for instance information about the ships arriving at and departing from Batavia (nowadays Djakarta). I extracted the movements of the ships and vessels owned by the E.I.C. The dates mentioned below in the text are the register dates. See also on this weblog the notes dealing with cargo capacities and individual ships.

Anonymous, order to civilian Daniel Dupree to built at Rembang 2 fast chialoupen 16 March
Aardenburg, fluyt, ordered to transport timber 2 March
Berkmeer, fluyt, arrived at Batavia coming from Bengal 6 February
Beurs, ship also called yacht, destined on account of chamber Rotterdam towards the Netherlands 9 January, departed Batavia towards the Netherlands, cargo valued ƒ 98806:13:09 8 February, departed Sunda Strait 28 February
Bharen, small fluyt, sent from the Cape via Mauritius towards Madagascar for slaves 29 March
Burgh van Leijden, arrived safely at the Cape 29 March
China, ship, chamber Amsterdam, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from the Netherlands 5 January, arrived at Batavia, 238 men, cargasoen valued ƒ 117113:16:08 17 January
Couwerden or Couwerven, ship, arrived at Batavia coming from Bantam 5 January, departed towards Caliwongan 24 March
Craanvogel, hooker, arrived at Batavia coming from Toncquin 2 March
Croonenburg, arrived at Batavia coming from the Netherlands
Delfshaven, departed Batavia towards Cheribon for timber 24 March
Doradus, chialoup, destined towards Timor 3 February
Duijfje, hooker, chamber Amsterdam, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from the Netherlands 5 January, arrived at Batavia coming via Santo Jago Serra Leonis, island Sint Thomas and Cape of Good Hope, 30 men, cargasoen valued ƒ 12467:09:00 17 January, departed towards Bantam 11 February, destined towards the Netherlands 23 February, arrived at Batavia coming from Bantam 1 March, passed the Cape 9 March, departed Batavia in the night towards the Netherlands 20 March
Egmond, chialoup, destined via Japara and Macassar towards Banda? 20 February
Eliphant, chialoup, arrived [at Bantam?] coming from Lampon 1 March
Geele Beer, fluyt, departed with a cargo salt 2 February
Gideon, yacht, arrived at Batavia coming from the Maccauwse islands 23 February, departed Batavia towards Cheribon for timber 24 March
Goudesteijn, ship, chamber Amsterdam, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from the Netherlands 5 January, arrived at Batavia, 173 men, cargo valued ƒ 94413:12:00 17 January
Grave, fluyt, arrived at Batavia coming from Palembang, cargo valued ƒ 43219:14:00 9 January
Groote Visserij, chamber Enkhuizen, arrived at Batavia coming via Cape of Good Hope from the Netherlands, cargo valued ƒ 155253:00:08, 186 men, 5 January, departed Batavia towards Amboina and Banda with 150 soldiers for Amboina 5 March
Hellevoetsluijs, arrived at Batavia coming from the West Coast of Sumatra without completing her voyage 17 January
Hendrik Maurits, ship, chamber Zealand, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from the Netherlands 5 January, mentioned as being in Sunda Strait 18 January, arrived at Batavia, 277 men, cargasoen valued ƒ 287423:03:8 20 January
Jambij, yacht, destined on account of chamber Amsterdam towards the Netherlands 9 January, departed Batavia towards the Netherlands with a capital ƒ 192500:10:00 8 February, departed Sunda Strait 28 February
Lijster, hooker, destined towards Ternate 8 February
Maas, ship, chamber Rotterdam, arrived at Batavia via Cape of Good Hope from the Netherlands, 233 men, cargo valued ƒ 884117:19:09 10 January, mentioned as being in Sunda Strait, 85 men, destined towards Cape of Good Hope 21 February, arrived at Batavia coming from Sunda Strait 26 February
Macassar, ship, arrived at Batavia coming from Siam 6 March
Naaltwijk, yacht, arrived at Batavia coming from the Maccauwse islands 23 February, departed Batavia towards Bantam 23 March
Naarde(r)meer, fluyt, also called cat, arrived at Batavia coming from the coast of China 9 January, arrived at Batavia coming from Bantam 19 March
Nederhorst, cat, destined via Soerabaja and Biema towards Banda 4 February
Negombo, yacht, destined towards Timor 22 January
Neptunus, chialoup, destined towards the West coast [of Sumatra?] 28 March
Oosterblocker, sent with 20 Spanish realen towards Palembang and from there towards Jambij for pepper 29 March
Palleacatta, chialoup, also called yacht, arrived at Batavia coming from Bantam 16 January, departed Batavia towards Bantam 31 March
Piesangh, chialoup, destined via Japara towards Banda 29 January
Poulerun, yacht, arrived at Batavia coming from Siam 16 February
Quartel, hooker, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from Mauritius 5 January
Schiebroeck, small yacht, departed Cape of Good Hope towards Ceylon 5 January
Schielant, ship, chamber delft, mentioned as being in Sunda Strait 22 January, arrived at Batavia coming from the Netherlands, 237 men, cargo valued ƒ 118.251:11:04 23 January
Sillida, yacht, mentioned as being at Aijmuij 23 February
Sint Martensdijck, yacht, destined on account of chamber Zealand towards the Netherlands 9 January, departed Batavia towards the Netherlands, cargo valued ƒ 115117:09:13 21 February
Spaarpot, hooker, departed Batavia via Mauritius 5 January
Strijen, fluyt, arrived at Batavia coming from the Netherlands 25 March
Sumatra, ship, departed Batavia with the king of Ternate and his suite (114 members) towards Ternate 19 January
Swanenburg, fluyt, arrived at Batavia coming from Bantam 23 January
Walenburgh, fluyt, arrived at Batavia coming from the Netherlands 29 March
Wapen van Goes, ship, destined via Japara towards Banda 29 January
Wapen van Middelburg, ship, hull sold for 870 rijksdaalders to the Chinese 6 January
Wapen van Tertholen, ship, destined via Japara and Macassar towards Banda? 20 February
Wapen van Zirckzee, arrived at Batavia coming from the West Coast of Sumatra 2 February
Waterlant, ship, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from the Netherlands 5 January
Westeramstel, ship, arrived at Cape of Good Hope coming from the Netherlands 5 January