
Wednesday 7 September 2011

The naval strength of Venezuela according to the Dutch newspaper Schiedamsche Courant dated 16 October 1875

An item reported that the navy of Venezola existed in 1874 of the steamships Bolivar, Guzman Blanco, Liberal and Mapari and the schooners Estrelle and General Ferrez. Another Dutch newspaper Sluisch Weekblad dated 22 October supplied the same information original supplied in the Exposicion que dirige al Congresa Natiocal de loes E.E. el Ministro de Guerra 7 Marina, general M. Gil. According to an Dutch eyewitnesses was the navy still nothing worth. That was the reason that a merchant schooner like the Midas was commissioned as warship. The Bolivar was nothing more as a wooden cabinet which middle in the night secretly disappeared when the Dutch squadron near her anchored. The Dutch journalist wrote that some naval officers claimed that with the use of some ram ships of the Dutch navy the complete nay of Venezuela was destroyed.