
Sunday 11 September 2011

The Russian guided missile corvettes of the Nanuchka-class

Drawing Ron van Maanen

The official Russian classification for this class was Project 1234 Ovod small missile ships with a design based on using the P-120 Malakhit anti ship missile (the vessels which were exported were to be armed with the P-15 Termit Styx missile). There were three versions of this class namely the Nanuchka I (project 1234), Nanuchka III (project 1234.1) and the Nanuchka IV (project 1234.7). Algeria bought 3 (the Ras Hamidou, Salah Reis and the Reis All), India 3 (the Sindhu Durg, the Hos Durg and the Vijaj Durg) and Libya 4 ships (the Ean Al Gazala, Ean Zara, Ean Zaquit and Ean Mara) of this class. Displacement was standard 560 long tons and when full load 660 tons for the Nanuchka I en III versions, 639 and 760 tons for the Nanuchka IV version and 560 and 675 tons for the export version with as dimensions 58,3 x 12,6 x 2,4 metres. The 3 shaft diesels provided 30.000 hp allowing a speed of 32-35 knots. At as speed of 12 knots their range was 2,500 nautical miles and at a speed of 30 knots nearly their maximum their range was reduced to just 800 nautical miles. The crew numbered 60 men in Russian service, 64 men in foreign navies. The corvettes were armed with 1-30mm gun, 2-57mm guns, 1x2 SA-N-4 SAM (with 20 missiles) and depending of they were destined for the Sovjet navy 2x3 SS-N-9 SSM or for abroad 4 SS-N-2- missiles. At least one corvette the Mirazh was still in service in 2008.

Although I used several books and websites the available information is seldom compatible as almost common for the Soviet navy so I’m not quite sure about the reliability.

Aysberg, laid down 11 November 1976 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 71, launched 20 April 1979 and commissioned in the North fleet 30 September 1979. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka I-project 1234, although also possible a Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Briz, (renamed 25 April 1970 ex- MRK-7), building no. 52, laid down 5 November 1967 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, launched 10 October 1969, commissioned 30 September 1971, served in the Black Sea and the Pacific fleets and stricken 29 October 1992. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Burya (ex- MRK-3 renamed 25 April 1970), building no. 51, laid down 13 January 1967 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, launched 8 October 1968, commissioned 30 September 1970 in the Black Sea Fleet and stricken 11 February 1991. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Burun, laid down at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad 1975, building no. 68, launched 1977, commissioned 30 December 1977 and served in the Northern and Baltic fleets. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Geyzer, laid down 21 December 1987 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 81,  launched 28 August 1989, commissioned 27 December 1989 in the Baltic fleet and still in service in 2008. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Grad, laid down 29 November 1967 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 55, launched 30 April 1972, commissioned 30 September 1972 in the Baltic fleet and stricken 30 September 1993. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Grom, laid down 1 October 1969 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 57, launched 29 October 1972, commissioned 28 December 1972, served in the Baltic and Black Sea fleets and was stricken 24 May 1995. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Groza, laid down 9 January 1969 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 56, commissioned 26 July 1972, commissioned 26 December 1972 and served in the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. Unknown when she was stricken. Nanuchka I-project 1234
.Livien or Liven’, renamed 1987 XX Syezd VLKSM, renamed 1992 Iney, laid down 6 July 1983 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1005, launched 5 October 1996 and commissioned 25 December 1987 in the Pacific fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Livien or Liven’, laid down 28 September 1988 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 83, launched 8 May 1991 and commissioned 25 October 1991 in the Baltic fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Meteor, laid down 13 November 1984 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 78, launched 16 September 1987, commissioned 31 December 1987 in the Baltic fleet and in 1997 still in service. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Mirazh, laid down 30 August 1983 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 77, launched 19 August 1986, commissioned 30 December 1986 in the Black Sea fleet and in 2008 still in active service. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Molniya, laid down 30 September 1971 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 59, launched 27 August 1973 and commissioned in the Baltic fleet 28 December 1973. Unknown when she was stricken. Nanuchka I-project 1234
.Moroz, laid down 17 February 1985 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1006, launched 23 September 1989, commissioned 30 December 1989 in the Pacific fleet and still in service in 1999. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Musson, laid down 14 July 1975 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1003, launched 1 July 1981, commissioned 30 December 1981 in the Pacific fleet and sunk 16 April 1987. Nanuchka I-project 1234, although also possible a Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Myetyel or Metel’, laid down 19 February 1973 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 62, launched 10 August 1974, commissioned in the North fleet 8 December 1974 and stricken 16 March 1998. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Nakat, laid down 4 November 1982 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 76, launched 16 April 1987 and commissioned 30 September 1987 in the Pacific fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka IV-project 1234.7.
 Passat, laid down 27 May 1988 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 82, launched 12 June 1990 and commissioned 6 December 1990 in the Baltic fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Perekat, on stocks 1988 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 84,  but apparently never completed.
Priboy, laid down 25 November 1978 (25 November 1980?) at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 74, launched 20 April 1984 and commissioned 30 November 1984 in the Northern fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Priliv, laid down 29 April 1982 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 75, launched 26 April 1985 and commissioned 31 October 1985 in the Baltic fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Raduga, laid down 16 January 1974 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 64, launched 20 June 1975, commissioned in the Baltic fleet 1 December 1975 and stricken 5 July 1994. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Rassvyet or Rassvet, laid down 29 September 1986 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 79, launched 22 August 1988, commissioned 28 December 1988 in the Northern fleet and still in service in 1995. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Razliv, laid down 1 November 1986 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1007, launched 24 August 1991, commissioned 31 December 1991 in the Pacific felt and still in service in 1999. . Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Shkval, laid down 17 May 1972 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 60, launched 28 December 1973, commissioned in the Baltic fleet 14 June 1974 and in 1988 part of the reserve fleet. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Shtorm, laid down 20 October 1973 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, launched 3 March 1975, building no. 63, commissioned in the Baltic fleet 15 June 1975 and stricken 16 March 1998. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Smyerch or Smerch, laid down 16 November 1981 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1004, launched 16 November 1984 and commissioned 30 December 1984 in the Northern fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Tayfun, laid down 19 May 1974 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1002, launched 14 August 1979, commissioned 30 December 1979 in the Pacific fleet and stricken 4 August 1995. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Tsiklon, laid down 22 September 1973 at the Vladivostokskiy shipyard, building no. 1001, launched 24 May 1955, commissioned 31 December 1977 in the Pacific fleet and stricken 17 January 1995. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Tucha, laid down 4 May 1966 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 72, launched 29 April 1980, commissioned 31 July 1980 in the Northern fleet and in 1995 still in service. Nanuchka I-project 1234, although also possible a Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Uragan, laid down 1 August 1980 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no.73, launched 27 May 1983, commissioned 30 September 1983 in the Northern fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka I-project 1234, although also possible a Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Vikhr, laid down 21 August 1967 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 53, launched 22 July 1970, commissioned 30 September 1971, served in the Black Sea and the Pacific fleets and stricken 5 July 1994. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Volna, laid down 27 September 1968 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 54, launched 20 July 1971, commissioned 31 December 1971, served in the Black Sea and Northern fleets and stricken 30 June 1993. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Vyetyer or Veter, laid down 27 February 1976 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 69, launched 21 April 1978, commissioned 30 September 1978 in the Northern fleet and stricken 4 August 1995. Nanuchka I-project 1234, although also possible a Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Zaria or Zarya, laid down 18 October 1972 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, launched 18 May 1974, building no. 61, commissioned 28 September 1974 in the Northern fleet and stricken 5 July 1994. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Zarnica or Zarnitsa, laid down 27 July 1970, building no. 58, launched 28 April 1973, commissioned 18 September 1973 in the Black Sea fleet and was in 1998 still in service. Nanuchka I-project 1234.
Zyb’, 13 April 1982 renamed Komsomolets Mordovii, renamed 15 February 1992 Shtil, laid down 28 June 1976 (28 April) at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 70, launched 23 October 1978, commissioned 31 December 1978 in the Black Sea Fleet and in 206 still in service. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.
Zyb’, laid down 26 August 1986 at the Primorskiy shipyard at Leningrad, building no. 80, launched 28 February 1989 and commissioned 26 September 1989 in the Baltic fleet. Unknown when stricken. Nanuchka III-project 1234.1.

A.D. Baker III. The naval insititue guide to combat fleets of the world 2002-2003.
Siegfried Breyer/Norman Polmar. Guide to the Soviet Navy, 1977.
Gardiner, Robert (ed.). Conway's all the World's Fighting Ships 1947-1995.
Jane Fighting Ships several editions.
A.S. Pavlov. Warships of the USSR and Russia 1945-1995. Chatham, 1997.