
Sunday, 5 May 2019

The Siamese navy versus the pirates in the Gulf of Siam according to Colburn in 1856

 "The Siamese ship Bangkok Mark, Moses, arrived from Siam at Hong Kong, reported as follows: "On the 13th of July, arrived at Siam Bar; the French squadron, consisting of three sail, were lying there. The Gulf of Siam was infested with pirates. A fleet of twenty-four sail were seen off Cui Point; they had taken a great number of junks, bound to China. The Siamese brig of war Wanderer succeeded in capturing two large and heavily-armed junks." Encounters took place daily. The E. A. Soullard, Montgomery, which arrived at Callao on 19th August, from the Chinchas, reported there, that, on 16th of August, the long boat, with four men, under the command of the chief officer, left the vessel for Parnia wells to procure water; and that, up to the vessel leaving the islands on the 14th, the boat bad not returned, nor had any tidings been heard of her or her crew, although every search was made there."

Colburn's Unites Service Magazine, part II, November 1856, p. 471.