
Wednesday 7 September 2011

USA offered England not to built 15 cruisers according to the Dutch newspaper Voorwaarts: sociaal democratic dagblad dated 6 June 1929

According to a tiding dated London 5 June handed the new American ambassador in England general Dawes (1) new naval proposals over to the British cabinet. From New York was reported that according to these proposals England would not built new cruisers, decommission some cruisers and not to built any ships of this kind in the future. As a compensation would the USA not built the 15 cruisers recently approved by the parliament. A temporarily agreement was to be signed before 1 August as the laying down of the keels of the first five cruisers just could be delayed until these date. In naval and diplomatic circles it was not believed that the negotiations between Dawes the British cabinet would be smoothly and the start of the building of the first American cruisers stopped.

1. Charles Gates Dawes (Marietta, Ohio 27 August 1865-Evanston, Illinois 23 April 1951), Republican politician banker, in 4 March 1925-4 March 1929 vice president of the United States and later indeed ambassador in the United Kingdom.