
Saturday, 1 October 2011

The building of the Dutch merchant ships Maria Catharina and Monnickendam according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 19 September 1825

Nieuwendam. 16 September. The day before yesterday was the schooner galliotship Maria Catharina build at the yard of the shipbuilder Pieter Brouwer launched with all success sighted by the town government and many other spectators including from villages in the neighbourhood. It was the first time for more as a century when a sea worthy ship was build here and everyone hoped that the still young shipbuilder got more orders like the one for another sea ship of which the keel would be laid down with a couple of days.

Monnikendam, 16 September. At the yard of the widow Kater en zonen was 13 September a coppered schooner ship called Monnickendam of around 85 rogge lasten launched for account of the mrs. Bourlag en compagnie merchants at that city in the presence of large audience. She was named by the government of that city which offered the company a flag with the arms of the city. Her master was to be Volkert H. Kramer.