
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Communist cells within Bulgarian naval depot at Warna according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland: staat- en letterkundig nieuwsblad morning edition dated 10 January 1934

Ron van Maanen

A small item was dealing with the trial at Warna before the court martial against communists. Indicted were a aspirant officer, a deck officer, 20 naval petty officers, 15 corporals, 20 sailors and 12 civilians for hostile acting against the government in general and in particular for creating communist cells within the naval garrison of Warna. Some of the accused had continuous contact through the radio of a Bulgarian ship with Odessa. The prosecution demanded the death penalty for 20 of them. Another Dutch newspaper Het Utrechts Nieuwsblad dated 13 February reported that after a trial of weeks against 70 communists on 12 February 12 men got the death penalty, four others due to their minority 15 years prison instead of the death penalty, 15 more between 5 and 7½ years in prison while 39 were acquitted.