
Monday, 7 November 2011

Small vessels serving with the Dutch East India Company in the Dutch East Indies according to a list dated 11 January 1768

at Batavia
barcq Mossel, dimensions 100 x 26 x 15, 200 last, built 1753
barcq Buys, dimensions 86 x 24 x 12, built 1754
barcq Vrijheyd, dimensions 85 x 24 x 13, built 1755
towards Malacca
bark Zeepaart, dimensions 95 x 24 x 13
towards Jambij
bark Leervis, dimensions 80 x 22 x 12
towards Banda
bark Draak, dimensions 85 x 24 x 13, built 1759
towards Coromandel
bark Robijn, dimensions 67 x 19 x 11
at Batavia
bark Phenix, dimensions 80 10/11 x 20 x 16 10/11
bark Arend, dimensions 70 x 19 x 11 5/12, built 1760
chialoup Vreedebest, now renamed de Meeuw, dimensions 69 x 23 x 10½, built 1761
towards Ambon
chialoup Taxisboom, dimensions 60 x 16½ x 10, built 1759
towards Palembang
chialoup Om den Bij, dimensions 60 x 17 x 10, built 1760
towards Jambij
chialoup Haak, dimensions 62 x 18 x 10½, built 1754
towards Ternate
chialoup Roos, dimensions 60 x 16 5/6 x 10, built 1759
towards Jambij
chialoup Leguaan, dimensions 60 x 16 5/6 x 10, built 1760
towards Java
chialoup Geertruy Susanna, dimensions 77 x 22 x 11, built 1762
towards Ambon
chialoup Magulboom, dimensions 70 x 22 x 9½, built 1762
at Batavia
chialoup Nooteboom, dimensions 70 x 22 x 9½, built 1762
towards Bengal
chialoup Troonprins, dimensions 72 x 22 x 10½
towards Ambon
chialoup Vreede Vest, dimensions 69 x 23 x 10½
towards Malacca
chialoup Charlotta Christina, dimensions 70 x 22½ x 9½, built 1766
towards the West Coast
Chialoup Catharina Louisa, dimensions 70 x 22½ x 9½, built 1766
towards Ceylon
chialoup Rudolphina Dorothea
chialoup Valk
towards Macassar
chialoup Jaccatra, built 1767
towards Ambon
pantjalang Goede Trouw, dimensions 70 x 22½ x 9½, built 1766
towards Java
pantjalang Jacoba
pantjalang Paarlmoer
towards Ternate
pantjalang Canneelboom, dimensions 66 x 18 x 8, built 1761
towards Malacca
pantjalang Java, 11 z 12 vm
towards Ternate
pantjalang Reuk, dimensions 63 x 17 ½ x 8 3/11, built 1763
towards Ambon
pantjalang Smaak, dimensions 64 x 17 3/11 x 8, built 1763
pantjalang ’t Verlangen, dimensions 64 x 17 9/11 x 8, built 1763
pantjalang Voortvarendheid, dimensions 70 x 19 x 8½, built 1766
towards Palembang
pantjalang Snelheid, dimensions 70 x 19 x 8½, built 1766
at Batavia
pantjalang Wingdon?, dimensions 64 x 18 x 8, built 1766
pantjalang Edam, dimensions 66 x 19? x 8½, built 1765
at Amboina
Pantjalang Nagelboom, dimensions 70 x 19¾ x 11 5/12, built 1769
Pantjalang Peeperthuijn, dimensions 66 x 16 x 7
Sapparoua, dimensions 61 x 16 x 8½, built 1763
at Banda
chialoup Agatha Susanna
pantjalangs Helena, Peerl, Spiering, Rog, Eliphant
at Ternate
bark Nassauw
chialoup Amazone
Pantjalangs Arend, Elizabeth, ’t Genoegen, Goedkeuring, Snuffelaar, Swaan
gontings Bedreiger, Breemer
at Macassar
chialoupen De Verloore Zoon, Sukkelaar, Oppas, Verlegendheid, Vigilantei
at Malacca
pantjalangs Rustenburg, Buytenzorg
at Palembang
pantjalangs Lasem, Verpligting
at the West Coast of Palembang
chialoup Goudvink, Ida Wilhelmina, Hazewind
gonting Gonder Kruyper
at Baros
one so-called ‘kruis jalloor
at Coromandel
chialoup Geetruyda Susanna, ’t Gekroonde Swaart, Vianen, Poeyoer
at Nagapatnam
çhialoupen Nagtegaal, Walvisch
at Bengal
bark Haring
chialoupen Zuijkermolen, Carolina, Rebecca Jacoba, Centsura, Duyff, Hecka, Bellazoor, Herderin
at Ceylon
chialoupen Kleenen Julius, Pallas, Pappegaij, Standvastigheyd, Princes Isabella, Aletta Adriana, Joan Carel, Wel te Vreede, Vliegende Vis, Arend, Baars, Sunda, Colombo, Concordia, Bestendigheyd, Toezigt, Brak, Vreede, Haasje, Schildpad
pantjalangs Vriendschap, Vryheid
at Jaffanapatnam
chialoupen Nieuwoord, Antonia Dorothea
at Gale
chialoup Susanna Petronella
at Souratta’
small ships Beschermer, Jonge Susanna
galliots, Zeeleeuw, Waaksaamheidt
at Malabaar
chialoupen Johanna Catharina, Kleenen Willem

Collectie Hope 1602-1782 no. 77 (National Archive at The Hague).