
Friday 2 December 2011

The Algerian, British, Egyptian, Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 21 June 1827

Frankfurt, 16 June. The British commodore Hamilton sighted 23 Turkish warships of the island Serpho. 

Paris, 17 June. Letters from Marseille reported that the merchants were afraid that in the port of Algiers ships were fritted out destined for action against Tuscany. It was a real danger that instead of Tuscany ships of Marseille became the victims. The fitting out of ships of the line and frigates 1st class at Toulon was done with all haste. The ships were loaded with victuals for a year.

At Marseille was the fitting out of a 20 gun-corvette and the building of a 60-gun frigate stopped. Both ships were built for the Pasha of Egypt. 

Livorno, 4 June. The privateers fitted out by the Dey at Algiers were mainly destined to attack Tuscan shipping.