The Austrian navy according to the Dutch newspaper Het Algemeen Handelsblad
Vienna, Austria, 17 March. According to tidings was a training squadron consisting of two frigates, 1 corvette and two large paddle steamers destined for the Greek waters. The building of the ship of the line de Keizer [Kaiser} pierced for 90 guns and with 800 hp was with all diligence continued and this years will be the keels laid down for another ship of the line, 1 steam frigate and 2 corvettes. At this moment consisted the Austrian navy of 1 ship of the line (building), 5 sail frigates, 3 steam frigates. 6 sail corvettes, 2 screw steam frigates. 3 paddle steam corvettes, 8 steam aviso’s, 5 brigs, 3 schooner brigs, 53 gunboats, 7 transports and 5 floating batteries.