
Friday 2 December 2011

The Egyptian, Greek, Spanish and Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 27 May 1826

London, 24 May. The British vessel Thomson with master Hobks, sailing from Constantinople towards Alexandria was seized by a 16-gun Greek warship and brought up to Hydra. Also the Glasgow packet from Malta to Smyrna and another ship from London towards Constantinople destined were plundered by Greek pirates.

The Spanish squadron at Havana consisted of the 74-gun Guerrero, the 50-gun Lealtad, 50-gun Yberra, 42-gun Porta, 44-gun Laburg, 42-gun Cazelda, 26-gun Zafira and a 3-gun goelette.

Framkfurt, 24 May. The newspaper Osservatore Triestino dated 16 May reported that the Turkish-Egyptian fleet sailed to Napoli-di-Romana. Two frigates and 2 brigs of this fleet attacked 18 April with success the Greek squadron commanded by Miaulis which was forced to retreat to the Archipelago. Letters from Constantinople mentioned that Greek ships commanded by Vaso Braicovitch unsuccessful tried to plunder Bayrut and the Syrian coast.

Alexandria, 18 March. An Egyptian division of 15 ships coming back from Mores arrived at Alexandria. She was to depart soon to transport 5.000 men as reinforcement for Ibrahim Pasha.