This newspaper published an intriguing news item dealing with the Portuguese Navy. The government published a new list of the personal. According to the official regulations there had to be 270 naval officers but there were no less as 411 in actual service and another 77 pensioned. In stead of 47 surgeons were 67 counted, 147 engineers in stead of 81, 86 in stead of the needed 47 clerks at the administration and 48 in stead of 38 adjunct clerks. According the details numbered Portugal two active and 28 pensioned vice admirals, 4 active and 15 pensioned rear admirals totally 46! With the 883 captains and lieutenants and even less as 4.000 sailors commanded each officer 5 men and regarded the around 25,000 tons of available ships commanded each officer around 30 tons.