
Friday 22 October 2021

American whalers fitted out as Mexican privateers according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 18 February 1839

This official Dutch government newspaper published an item using an earlier item published in the British newspaper Standard of London. In the latter newspaper was referred to letters received from Havana dated 11 January. According to these letters was all ready a privateer or at least a suspicious ship flying the Mexican colours sighted off the Cuban coasts. It was thought that she was fitted out in the United States and there were rumours that around 100 American whalers received letters de marque from the Mexican government. It was thought and feared that these enterprising privateers would harass the French trade shipping and cause large damage and if the American government wouldnt prevent this privateering the relations between the USA and France would seriously suffer.(1)

1. Mexico and France were at that moment in war, the so-called Pastry War between November 1838 and March 1839 caused by French citizens in Mexico were not compensated by the Mexican government for their financial losses and the debts of Mexico. The French navy was quite active in Mexican waters blockading ports and bombarding Veracruz. The war ended when Mexico agreed to pay.