
Friday 10 July 2020

British and Russian naval strengths according to the Dutch newspaper De Avondbode dated 8 August 1838

A news item dated London 5 August reported that according to some newspaper of London the British Royal Navy was at that moment far weaker as the French and Russian opponents. Although large in numbers were many ships just partly armed, insufficient manned en of to small charter with an armament which varied between the 2 and 26 guns. Without success asked the commanding admiral in the East Indies that the admirals’ ship Wellesley received his guns back which stayed behind in England so in case something happened she wasn’t properly armed. Both flagships Melville and Cornwallis pierced for 74 guns were in similar condition. The Russian Baltic fleet seemed to consist of 4-3deckers with 100 guns, 26 ships of the line of 80 guns, 20 frigates of which of 60 guns and other of 44 guns and a medium armament of 50 guns. The Russian Baltic fleet numbered 15 ships of the line and some frigates of maximum 60 guns. The Russian navy numbered in this manner around 54-55 large ships of the lines and 30-40 frigates all well manned, reasonable fitted out and trained.(1)

1. The Middelburgsche Courant dated 11 August supplied similar details.