
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The Spanish naval strength according to the reports of the USS secretary of the navy in 1870

In the Reports of the secretary of the navy and the postmaster general being part of the message and documents communicated to the two houses of congress at the beginning of the third session of the forty-first congress (published Washington, 1870) were interesting details published dealing with foreign navies. One example is the next list of active Spanish warships.

Supplement page 19: “List of vessels in the Spanish navy, with their stations.

First-class vessels, (ironclads) from 15 to 20 guns: Victoria, Havana; Numancia, Carthagena; Tetuan, Mediterranean squadron; Sagunto, Ferrol arsenal; Arapilis, Ferrol arsenal; Zaragosa, Havana; Resolucion, Carthagena; Castilla, Arragon, and Navarra, in construction at the arsenal at San Fernando.

Screw vessels: Villa de Madrid, Mediterranean squadron; Almansa, Havana; Navas de Colosa, Havana; Gerona, Havana; Asturias, Mediterranean squadron; Carmen, Ferrol; Lealtad, Havana; Concepcion, Ferrol; Blanca, South America; Barenguela, West Indies; Maria de Molina, Caracas.

Paddle-wheel vessels, (wooden,) averaging 12 guns: Ciudad de Cadiz, Havana; Fernando el Catolico, Havana; Isabel la Catolico, Havana; Colon, Cadiz; Blasco de Garay, Havana; Pizarro, Havana; Cortez, Havana; Ulloa, Havana; Vasco Nunez, Havana; Chincurra, Havana; Lipanto, Barcelona; Limers, Cataluna; Vigilante, Valencia; Alerta, Malaga; Venadito, Havana; Neuturno, Havana; Quande Austria, Havana; Peles, San Lucas; Bazan, Havana.

Screw corvettes, (wooden,) 12 guns: Consuelo, Cadiz; Vencedora, Manila; Narvaez, Manila; Circe, Manila; Santa Lucia, Cadiz; Diana, Cadiz; Africa, Havana; Vadras, Manila; Andalusa, Havana; Guadiana, Havana; Hueloa, Havana; Serruia, Havana; Legira, Cadiz; Favorita, Havana; Filomela, Havana; Constancia, Manila; Animosa, Manila

p. 20: Valiente, Grospendad, Coast of Calabria; Candor, Havana; Santa Cerriso, Cadiz; Buenaventura, Vigo; Caredad, Canary Islands; Concordia, Fernando Po; Editana, Baleares; Ceres, South America.

Screw transports, 6 guns: Borgia, Havana; Marquis de la Victoria, Manila; Eseaus, Manila; Patino, Manila; Ferrol, Cadiz; San Antonio, Cadiz.

Sailing vessels, 54 guns: Esperanza, Cadiz; Santa Maria, Cadiz. These two vessels form the school squadron with the Trinidad.

Pontoon vessels: Iberia, Havana; Algerias, Algerias.

Monitors or gunboats, 1 gun, (100-pounder,) in Cuban waters: Activo, Eapido, Argos, Lince, Centanela, Quien Vive, Viga, Astnto, Almendares, Eeo, Distello, Marenero, Soldado, Ericsson, Librel, Cazador, Canto, Gaceta, Telegrama, Creolo, Ardid, Iudio, Caribe, Alarma, Discubridor, Jumari, Flecha, Dardo, and Prueba. |

The following are at Manila: Mindoro, Paraguay, Calamidalis, Mindanao, Panay, Lamar, Felipino, Baluscar, Ioli, Marielies, Arayak, Pampauga, Boqueador, Altay, Manilcno, Canteno, Balanquinqui.”