
Sunday 26 September 2021

Russian transport Wolga blown up to prevent capture by British navy according to the Dutch newspaper Goessche Courant dated 2 July 1855

According to tidings from Hamburg, Germany struck the Russian warship/transport Wolga a sandbank between the islands Kurosalo and Stamö near Sveaborg and immediately British gunboats headed forwards to capture her(1). Her commanding officer ordered to throw the guns overboard and blew his ship up. Together with his crew he was saved by a Russian steamboat and brought back to Sveaborg.

1. The Crimean war also known as the Russian or Eastern War between October 1853 and February 1856 was a war between the Russian Empire against the French, British and Ottoman Empires and the Kingdom on Sardinia. On 30 November 1853 was at Sinop a complete Ottoman squadron destroyed by the Russians.