
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Dutch fleet to support the Swedish against the Danish 1644

The Swedish crown requested the Dutch merchant Louis de Geer to fit out a fleet to support the Swedish which were at war with the Danish. The Danish intended to ask toll for passing the Sont and which was a real threat for the Swedish commerce and shipping. De Geer had personal interests in Sweden and wasn’t pleased by the prospect of paying toll. Not the paying of toll but the fact Danmarks foreign policy collided with that of Sweden was the real reason of the Swedish war preparations. The Swedish army commanded by Torstensohn was quite active in North Germany and was now ordered to move into winter quarters. In contrary to the mutually army forces Sweden had a weaker sea force than her opponent. Despite the interest the Dutch Republic had in the Baltic her government wasn’t enthusiast for helping the Swedish, So the Swedish government was forces to refer to the Treaty of 1640 by which she was allowed to hire or buy ships and ammunition and recruit troops. And so De Geer had a mission. He arrived 16 February 1644 at Amsterdam and end April there was a fleet lying in the Vlie, Netherlands. Funny enough the Danish were in the same time also active in the Netherlands with the same aim. Totally there were 32 ships acquired of which ten were to served as troop transports for the Swedish general Torstensohn. The ships were hired in Amsterdam and other cities. The fleet was to be commanded by Maarten Thijssen from Zealand who for instance served with the Dutch West Indies Company.

Some of these ships were involved in battles against the Danish fleet on 26 May and 4 June in the Listerdiep near the isle Sylt. Due to damages and lacking stores the fleet returned 25 June back in the Vlie. The mutiny which suddenly broke out was caused by the fact that the crews was promised that was no need fearing for their lives when they were recruited. The facts give a total other view, there were 111 dead and wounded on Dutch side. By paying their money De Geer succeeded in setting the crew at rest. 14 July Thijssen departed with a new flagship with 8 ships and a fireship, 6 days later followed by vice admiral Gerretsen with another 8 ships and 2 yachts. 19 August the Dutch fleet bombarded two Danish large prams lying for Copenhagen in the Droogen and in afternoon managed to escape the Danish squadrons. The next day the Dutch were hunted down to Bornholm by the complete Danish fleet commanded by the Danish king Christian IV, but again lucky escaping. Early September Thyijssen arrived in the Kalmarsont. With the name Anckarhjelm he became a Swedish nobleman and became naval officer. The Danish fleet was 23 October finally beaten by the combined Dutch-Swedish fleets off the isle Femern by which the Dutch Swarte Arend was lost. Early 1645 returned Thijssen back in the Netherlands.

The fleet lying in the Vliet April 1644 was composed of the next ships:
- Vergulde Swaen, ship, Sweden, mentioned 1644, dimensions 130 x 28 x ?, height above 6½, admiral Marten Thijssen, captain Lambert Pieterss, later Teunis Jacobss Schellinger, 28 guns: 6-12pdr, 10-8pdr, 10-6pdr, 2-3pdr, 80 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 6400:25.
- Groote Dolfijn, ship, dimensions 142 x 28, x ?, height above 6½, viceadmiral Hendrik Gerretsen, captain Pieter Jacobss Spanbroek ( killed at battle in the Listerdyb), later Crijn Claessen Belsen, 29 guns: 6-12pdr, 12-8pdr, 8-4pdr, 3-3, pdr, 80 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ6500:25.
- Groot Vlissingen, ship, dimensions 113 x 27, height above 6¼, rear admiral Pieter Marcussen, 24 guns: 8-8pdr, 16-6pdr, 70 sailors, 30 soldiers; this was the rear admiral, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 5500:25.
- Gecroonde Liefde or Charitas, ship, dimensions 131 x 27¼, height above 6½, captain Cornelis Lenertsz Blaeuw, 31 guns: 4-28pdr, 8-12pdr, 8-8pdr, 6-6pdr, 2-4pdr, 3-3pdr, 80 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 6200:25.
- Swarte Rave, ship, dimensions 112 x 27, height above 6¾, captain Jan Terstegen, 30 guns: 6-12pdr, 20-6pdr, 2-4, 2-3pdr, 70 sailors, 30 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 6400:25.
- Campen, ship, captain Cornelis Pieterss Bos, 26 guns: 6-12pdr, 12-6pdr, 6-4pdr, 80 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 6400.
- Koninck van Sweden, ship, dimensions 120 x 26½, height above 6¼, captain Claes Sipkens, 28 guns: 4-12pdr, 14-8pdr, 4-4pdr, 6-3 pdr,80 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 6400.
- Witte Engel, ship, dimensions 141 x 27, height above 6½, captain Jan Symonss Rol, later Adriaen Corneliss Vos, 33 guns: 14-18pdr, 10-8pdr, 6-4pdr, 3-3pdr, 75 sailors, 25 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 6400.
- Vlissingen, ship, dimensions 112 x 27, height above 6½, captain Willem Huybertss Metaleman, 24 guns, 4-12pdr, 10-8pdr, 6-4pdr, 4-3pdr, 90 sailors, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ5125:25.
- Sint Matteus, ship,  dimensions 135 x 27, height above 6½, captain Pieter Pieterss Sloos, 24 guns: 6-12pdr, 8-8pdr, 4-6pdr, 4-4pdr, 2-3pdr, 50 sailors, 25 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 5100:25.
- Swarte Arent, ship, , dimensions 116 x 26 x ?, height above 6, captain Jacob Siwertes Spanimmes, 24 guns: 10-8pdr, 8-6pdr, 2-4pdr, 4-3pdr, 50 sailors, 25 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 5100:25, lost in action.
- Drij Croonen, ship, dimensions 124 x 25, height above 5½, captain, Claes Agges, 20 guns: 10-8pdr, 6-6pdr, 2-4pdr, 2-3pdr, 60 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 5000.
- Nortcoping, ship, dimensions 120 x 25, height above 5½, captain Adriaen Jacobssen, 20 guns: 10-8pdr, 6-6pdr, 4-4pdr, 60 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 5000.
- Wapen van Medenblik, ship, dimensions 115 x 27½, height above 6½, captain Luytg Pieterssen, 26 guns: 8-8pdr, 8-6pdr, 10-4&3pdr, 75 sailors, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 4800:25.
- Patientia, ship, dimensions 126 x 26½, height above 6, captain Arent Gabbesen, 24 guns: 6-12pdr, 12-8pdr, 2-6pdr, 2-4pdr, 2-3pdr, 60 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ4525,
- Sint Marten, ship, dimensions 103 x 27, height above 6½, captain Abraham Witboom, 20 guns: 4-8pdr, 12-6pdr, 4-3pdr, 80 sailors, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 4500:25.
- Vergulde Posthoorn, ship, dimensions 125 x 25, height above 5½, captain Pieter Pieterss Rens, 20 guns: 8-8pdr, 4-6pdr, 6-4pdr, 2-3pdr, 40 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ4100:50.
- Brouwer, ship, dimensions 129 x 25 x ?, height above 5½, Cornelis Janss Brouwer, 20 guns: 6-8pdr, 8-6pdr, 6-3pdr, 40 sailors, 20 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 4050:25.
- Prins, ship, dimensions 104 x 26, height above 6½, captain Cornelis Jacobss Nauooge, 20 guns: 10-8pdr, 6-6pdr, 4-4pdr, 60 sailors, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 3800:25.
- Lange Bark, ship, dimensions 132 x 28, height above 5¾, captain Jan Pieterss Crimp, 18 guns: 8-8pdr, 4-6pdr, 6-3pdr, 40 sailors, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 3500.
- Liefde, ship, dimensions 124 x 25, height above 5¾, captain Symon Dirckss Crab, 20 guns: 11-6pdr, 7-4pdr, 2-3pdr, 40 sailors, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 2900, captain Andries Sybrandss.
- Herderinne, yacht/frigate, dimensions 85 x 22½, captain Jacob Gabbesen, 12 guns: 6-6pdr, 6-4pdr, 30 sailors, 10 soldiers, for 4 months hired and 6 months fitted, monthly rental price ƒ 2900:25.
- Vliegende Hert, transport, dimensions 114 x 23¼ x 11, height above 5, captain Adriaen Corneliss Rab, 8 guns, 16, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Sint Jacob, transport, dimensions 95 x 23 x 9½, height above 5½, captain Symon Syvertsen, 9 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Gecroonde Leeuw, transport, dimensions 116 x 23½ x 11, height above 5, captain Jan Jacobss Coster, 9 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Fortuyn, transport, dimensions 116 x 23½ x 10¾, height above 5, captain Hendrik Corneliss Damme, 8 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Koningin Hester, transport, dimensions 118 x 23½ x 10½, height above 5¼, captain Gysbrecht Hendrikssen, 8 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Paradijs, transport, dimensions 118 x 23¾ x 11, height above 5, captain Hendrik Huygen, 8 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Elisabeth van Londen, transport, dimensions 84 x 21 x 9¼, height above 5, captain Jan Siwertssen, 8 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Sint Jan Baptista, transport, dimensions 100 x 21 x 12½, captain Joris Janss Valckenier, 8 guns, 16 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Cop, transport, dimensions 118 x 24½ x 11½, height above 5¼, captain Jan Willemss Cop, 14 guns, 20 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.
- Jonkvrouw Maria, transport, captain Douwe Bockes, 6 guns, 23 men, small ship hired for 6 months, 3 months secured.

- E.W. Dahlgren. Louis de Geer 1587-1652. Upssala 1923.
- Louis de Geer collection. National Swedish Archive.