
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Swedish steamship Dalarö lost according to the Dutch newspaper De Gooi- en Eemlander dated 15 February 1940

An item reported that on the 14th survivors of the Swedish steamship Dalaro arrived in a Irish port. The 29 men were saved by the Belgian trawler Jean de Waele after 17 hours wandering with a lifeboat. She was torpedoed and afterwards shot by a German submarine and sunk in the evening of the 12th on the Atlantic two hours after being torpedoed.(1)

1. R. Jordan. The world’s merchant fleets 1939. The Dalarö was torpedoed by the German U 53. Built in 1911 as the Vard, renamed 1915 Siljan and in 1930 Dalarö. Wit a gross register tonnage of 3.927 tons and a deadweight of 6.260 tons and as dimensions 347.2 x 50’9”x 21’7” and she had a speed of 8.5 knots. Of the Rederi-A/B Rex with a black painted funnel with a white band and within was the blue coloured emblem.