
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Russian naval strength at Vladivostok, Russai according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad 1939 no.12

An item referred to the magazine Proc. dated October 1939 dealing with the Russian naval concentration at Vladivostok. According to the latter magazine was on 23 September 1933 the first Russian submarine built in England and assembled at Vladivostok commissioned. Since then was the number of submarines considerable strengthened. Submarines were transported with cargo vessels to the Far East although the main part was assembled at Vladivostok or the new navy yard at Komsomolsk alongside the Amur. The Soviet Union ordered in 1933 the building of 2-810 gunboats by Italian shipyards and elsewhere was a large number of MTBs and small motor patrol vessels ordered. In the past year were two escort vessels in the Japanese Sea and one or two flotilla leaders added. According to the rumours were at that moment lying at Vladivostok 8-1.000 ton submarines and 10-150/200 ton Stchuka submarines. Further more 1 or 2 destroyers of 1.500 ton (armed with 4/5-10,5cm guns and  torpedoes), 2/3 escort vessels of 700 ton (2-10,5xm guns, 3 torpedo tubes) the 2.100 ton large Vorovskoi and the 750 ton large Krasny Vympel, former yachts now used as fishery patrol vessels, the 1.500-2.000 ton large survey vessels Partizan, Poliarny, Kamtchadal, Okotsk and Okean designed for use in icy seas, transports Primozje (2.000 ton), Cuikcia (3.400 ton), Erivan (3.500 ton) and Daur, the icebreakers Lazar Kanagowitch (1.100 ton) and Kozak Habarow (1.000 ton) and 10 coastal patrol vessels of 50 ton and 1-7,5cm gun and around 30 MTBs.