
Saturday, 18 May 2013

The French river steamship Colonell Moll according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad 1915-1916 no. 3

An item referred to the magazine le Yacht reporting that the French shipyard Normand built the small river steamship Colonell Moll (1) for service on the Congo river. The single 6 cylinder two stroke diesel engine delivered 400 hp at 500 rpm allowing a speed of 13,5 miles (achieved on the measured mile). Zeiss screw. Heavy oil consumption of 230 gram each hp. One Lake auxiliary engine annex air press pump of 5hp.

1. Probably named after the French lieutenant colonel and explorer Alexandre Marie Frederic Henry Moll (17 March 1871 Saulx Vesoul-9 November 1910 Dorote) usually called Henry Moll. Between 1899 and 1910 serving in the frontier areas of French Sudan-British Nigeria and French Congo-German Cameroon and Congo-Caremrron-Tsjaad.