
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Japanese minelayer Okonishima launched at Kobe according to the Dutch newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië dated 18 November 1935

An item dated Tokyo the1th reported the launching that afternoon of the minelayer Okishima [the Okinoshima!] at the shipyard at Kobe.(1) With a displacement of 4.400 tons were her dimensions 117 x 15,62 x 5,07 metres. Horsepower 9.000 hp. The armament consisted of 4-14cm guns and 3 spotlights. This item was confirmed by other newspapers like the De Sumatra Post dated the 19th. The latter newspaper dated 23 February 1937 reported that she arrived at Menado on the afternoon of the 22nd for a visit of 3 days. In the evening was a party in the club and on the 23rd visited the Japanese guest during a car tour the Minahassa. The newspaper De Indische courant dated the 24th supplied more details about this visit. Her crew numbered 424 men among them was vice admiral Miyata secretary of the department of foreign affairs. The same afternoon she arrived went the resident, the burgomaster and the local military commanding officer on board. In the evening of the 23rd visited her crew the cinema where a film of the marriage of the Dutch princess Juliana was screened  and a party in the Society. The edition dated 3 March reported her arrival that same day at Ambon. A car tour was offered to somewhat twenty officers. Furthermore was there a party on board. It was allowed by the authorities that to promote the tourism a film about Japan twice was screened. After her visit she departed towards Dobo. According to this item was she commanded by rear admiral Mijata.

1. Ordered in budget year 1931, laid down on 27 September 1934 at the shipyard Ishikawajima-Harima, launched on 14 November 1935, commissioned on 30 September a year later and heavily damaged by torpedoes off New Ireland on 12 May 1942. She was towed to safety by the destroyer Mochizuku but capsized in the St. George’s Channel and sunk in the Bismarck Strait and was stricken 13 days later.