
Thursday 27 June 2019

The navies of Egypt and France in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 21 June 1826

Trieste, 8 June. According to a letter from Constantinople arrived with the latest post went the French rear admiral de Rigny towards Hydra demanding the payment of 19.000 colonnes for the damages caused by the Greeks to French merchant ships. He arrived off Hydra with 4 Greek goelettes seized at sea but which were released after the payment. A master arriving from Napoli told that daily after his departure several Greek vessels left that harbour being ordered by the Greek government to hold up all ships loaded with corn and send these to Napoli.

Hamburg, 16 June. The Greek committee at Stockholm tried to buy the guns ordered by the Pasha of Egypt by offering to pay the original contractual price of 7.000 rijksdaalders but this was refused by the factory afraid for the obliged penalty of 4.000 rijksdaalders to be paid to the representative of the Pasha at Livorno.

Paris, 17 June. Tidings from Marseille arrived reporting that the 2-18 gun brigs there built on account of the Pasha of Egypt left towards Alexandria.