
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Movements of the Algerian, French and Greek navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 30 August 1827

Frankfurt, 25 August. The Greek Government at Poros made 11 June their decision dated the 9th public that the “Eretrischen” and the “Maliakischen” coasts and the island Negroponte were blockaded by the navy, which was to be strengthened.

Paris, 26 August. The Gazette de France published tidings from Alger dealing with the blockade of that harbour. The large Algerian warships were still inside the harbour. Just some feluccas managed to escape in the night while making use of their small draught. First it were only a few, in the meantime others joined them, making a line of ‘control’ possible between Bona in the East and Oran in the West. Although the Algerians feluccas are to small to extend their piracy into a larger area, they are dangerous for the unprotected ships between Cadiz and the Balearic Islands. Therefore are convoys made which regularly sailed between Marseille and Cadiz, and regularly French warships cruising between Algesiras and Carthagena. As far as known is the l’Arlequin until now the only French merchant ship captured. Her crew escaped on land when she was attacked by two feluccas. There is also a frigate and a brig towards the Azores send to patrol in these waters. Another frigate patrols between Cadiz and the Strait. The Mediterranean is cruised in all directions by the French navy.