
Thursday 17 October 2019

The Egyptian, Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 24 December 1825

Trieste, 6 December. According to tidings left the Turkish fleet Navarino and sailed towards the Ionian Sea. The fore part all ready arrived at Patras and restores the communication with this city. The Captain Pasha was still not arrived at Missolunghi. It was confirmed that he had 3.000 soldiers on board for an attack at Missolunghi. The Greek fleet was seen off Modon sailing towards Navarino and it was hoped that they could prevent this attack. The Egyptian squadron left the harbour of Navarino and was cruising in these waters preventing the Greeks to support Missolunghi. Miaulis however succeeded in leaving with the main part of his fleet to sail towards the Gulf of Lepanto to attack the Captain Pasha leaving Sachtury behind to disturb the Egyptian squadron cutting in this way the communication between the Turkish and Egyptian fleets.

Trieste, 9 December. The latest tidings from Corfu dated 23 November confirmed the arrival of the Turkish fleet off Missolunghi.