
Thursday 19 December 2019

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 13 December 1824

Augsburg, 7 December. The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung dated 7 December published a tidings dated Constantinople 7 November according to which the Captain Pasha while being in the Dardanelles a letter wrote to the sultan explaining what went wrong in the last expedition. He wrote that his intention to fight with small ships against the Greeks was refused while the huge ships of the line were useless against the small Greek vessels. Everyone was curious how the sultan would react while in the last winter indeed small flat bottomed vessels were built and taken with him by the Captain Pasha. The newspaper Oesterrechischen Beobachter dated 18 February mentioned these new vessels to be used in the forth coming expedition and the same newspaper reported 18 May that when the Captain Pasha departed 30 flat-bottomed gun chaloupes of a new design were available.