
Saturday 16 November 2013

The tugs division of the Dutch Ned. Indische Steenkolenhandel Maatschappij in 1937 according to the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf dated 17 April 1938

An item referred to the annual report of the Dutch firm Ned. Indische Steenkolenhandel Maatschappij especially the part dealing with the tugs operated by this company. It was clear that the tugs available in the harbours of Tandjong Priok, Surabaya and Belawan had enough work. One of the older smaller tugs was sold towards Bandjermasin. In July 1937 was the building of 2 650 ihp steam tugs ordered by the N.V. Boele’s Scheepswerven en Machinefabriek at Bolnes to benamed Rolf and Gina. These tugs were expected to depart middle May towards the Dutch East Indies. The motor boat Rolf already hired by the N.V. Houtaankap Maatschappij Noenoekan was to be renamed Noenoekan I. Two other motorboats Pioneer I and II were also hired by the latter firm to be used for communication purposes at Noenoekan.