Sunday, 27 April 2014
British packet boat Samphire nearly lost after collision with American bark Fanny Buck according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwe Courant van Den Helder dated 23 December 1865
An item reported that on 13 December the packet boat Samphire serving on the line Dover-Calais collided that day just 12 minutes after her departure from Cardiff, England, England with the American bark Fanny Buck underway from Cardiff towards Rotterdam, Netherlands. The bark continued her voyage while the Samphire with 70 passengers on board and damaged at her port side bow immediately started sinking. The crew managed to keep her floating although the fore ship was completely submerged. The Belgian packet boat which just arrived coming from Ostende, Belgium towed her back to Dover where the passengers went from board. There were at least four dead passengers. The bark arrived the next morning with damage at Dover.