
Thursday 5 June 2014

Captain lieutenant H.W. van Maren appointed as commanding officer of the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Proserpina according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 14 August 1830

An item dated The Hague, Netherlands reported that according to a royal decision that the commanding officer of the Dutch corvette Zr.Ms. Proserpina captain lieutenant E.B. van den Bosch was replaced by captain lieutenant H.W. van Maren. Van den Bosch was appointed as adjutant of admiral-colonel general prince Frederik der Nederlanden.

1. Bomb corvette, on stocks at naval yard at Rotterdam, Netherlands by P.Glavimans Jz.20 May 1818, launched 11 October 1821, stricken >1835-1836<, dimensions 36,23 (loadline) x 10,06 (inner hull) x ,25 (fore)-4,81 (aft) x 5,25 (depth below maindeck) and an armament of 2-29”mortars, 20-12pd carronades, 2-6pd guns. If these corvettes were not fitted out with mortars consisted the armament of 20-30pd carronades and 2-6pd guns. In the final report dealing with the investigation of the Budget for 1861 was reported that in 1836 with special decision of the crown the condemned bomb corvette Proserpina was sold for ƒ 25.500 to the board of the whaling company.