
Saturday 7 June 2014

Commissaries of Dutch shipyard Kon. Mij. De Schelde at Vlissingen, Netherlands in 1905 not interested in the by Elia designed floating mines

The director referred in the meeting with the commissaries on 23 October 1905 to a letter written by commodore G.E. Elia who invented floating mines. In the past was negotiated with this men and recently was the department of Navy asked for information about this person. This information was not positive so the commissaries decided to let Elia know not to be interested in starting a new kind of industry on that moment.(1)

1. The Italian citizen Giovanni Emanuele Elia (15 March 1866 Toronto-17 December 1835 Rome). For instance patented on 30 September 1925 for a mine sweeping apparatus.

Archive Kon.Mij. De Schelde 1875-1970 (Municipality Archive, Vlissingen, Netherlands) archive 214 inventory number 8.