
Saturday 7 June 2014

Dutch shipyard Kon. Mij. De Schelde at Vlissingen, Netherlands in 1906 interested in building submarines for Norway

In the meeting between the director and commissaries on 3 November 1906was referred to a letter of lieutenant P. Koster.(1) He wrote that Norway was interested in obtaining a submarine but which had to be built by a Norwegian shipyard. The shipyard De Schelde asked the Electric Boat Company if this she was allowed to do this regarded the contact with the same company.

1. Paul Koster was a former lieutenant of the Royal Netherlands Navy who succeeded in making the first Dutch submarine named Luctor et Emergo a success. For this submarine was a design of the Electric Boat Company in the USA used. She was delivered to the Royal Netherlands Navy and commissioned as the Hr.Ms. O 1. Later he became director of the submarine department of the Whitehead company at Fiume.

Archive Kon.Mij. De Schelde 1875-1970 (Municipality Archive, Vlissingen, Netherlands) archive 214 inventory number 8.