
Sunday, 14 September 2014

British brig HMS Gorgon captured Russian merchant ship according to the Dutch newspaper Utrechtse provinciale en stads-courant dated 24 November 1855

An item dated Memel, Lithuania the 18th reported the arrival in the roads that day of the British brig Gorgon (1) captain Crawford coming from Farosund bringing with a Russian prize loaded with rye, salt, iron and wheat. The prize was towed by the steamboat Jack into the harbour.(2)

1. The paddle steam frigate, being a rebuilt 5th rate, launched at Pembroke Dock, England on 31 August 1837, broken up in 1864, with a 1.111 tons builders measurement and an armament of 6 guns?
2. The Russian empire  was between October 1853 and February 1856 in war with the Ottoman, French and British empires and the kingdom of Sardinia; the so-called Crimean war.