
Thursday 31 October 2019

Dutch East Indiaman Kokmeeuw bound for the Dutch East Indies in 1667

She left on 16 November 1667 the Maas, Netherlands, visited Cape of Good Hope, South Africa between 22 February-27 April 1668 and arrived at Colombo, Ceylon on 14 July. Her crew numbered 23 (arrival)-23 (departure) sailors and further more 6 (arrival)-0 (departure) soldiers. Laid up at Batavia on 3 September 1680. Tonnage 90 metric tons and as dimensions 76-82 x 21-22 x 10½. Hooker ship built in 1667. Of the chamber Rotterdam and sailing for account of this chamber. Also called Kockmeeuw.

J.R. Bruijn, F.S. Gaastra and I. Schöffer. Dutch-Asiatric Shipping in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Vol II. Outward-bound voyages from the Netherlands to Asia and the Cape 1595-1794. The Hague, 1979.
F.W. van Stapel. Beschrijving van de O.I. Compagnie.