
Thursday, 14 November 2019

Dutch East Indies bark Atiatool Rachman cruising in the Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Java-bode dated 12 March 1888

An item dated Batavia, Dutch East Indies 12th reported the departure of the Dutch East Indies bark Atiatool Rachman captain Said Brahim Abdullah Sahab towards Cheribon, Dutch East Indies.(1)

1. At least two barks with this mae were in 1888 active in the Dutch East Indies, one with as homeport Palembang, call sign TBMP, net capacity 1.003,99 cubic metres/354,76 tons of 2,83 cubic metres, the other with homeport Surabaya, call sign TBMQ and net capacity 350,13 cubic metres/123,72 tons of 2,83 cubic metres.