
Friday 9 October 2015

Dutch screw steam gunboat Hr. Ms. Ulfr towing accommodation ship towards the Dutch island Terschelling according to the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 15 May 1895

An item reported that the Dutch steam gunboat Hr. Ms. Ulfr departed a day earlier from Nieuwediep, Netherlands towards the Dutch island Terschelling towing an accommodation ship to be stationed over there and which was to be used by the crews of the torpedo boats training off the island in the summer.(1)

1. Screw steam gunboat, call sign GQWP, name proposal dated 13 March 1878, laid down at the Koninklijke Fabriek van stoom- en andere werktuigen, Amsterdam, Netherlands on 29 July 1878, launched on 4 January 1879, commissioned on 12 July 1879, later added to the Van Speijk for training stokers, converted as into fuel tanker for the armoured boats at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1913, transferred from Amsterdam towards Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands on 11 September 1914, sunk during a German air attack on Vlissingen, Netherlands on 12 May 1940. Building costs ƒ 221.750,00. Specification as gunboat displacement 245,2 ton, dimensions 27,86 (over all) x 8,50 x 2,2 metres, horsepower 159 ihp, two screws, a speed of 8 knots, a crew numbering 34 men and an armament consisting of 1-28cm gun, 2-3,7cm guns and 1-3,7 cm revolver gun.