
Monday 25 November 2019

German battleship Braunschweig (1902) in 1923

Source: Fleets of the world 1915. Compiled from official sources and classified according to types

Braunschweig-class. Launched in 1902, completed in 1904, displacement 12.988 ton, horsepower 16.000 hp, coal-oil fired reciprocating machinery and an armament of 4-11” guns, 14-6.7” guns, 22 smaller guns and machineguns and 5 torpedo tubes (1 submerged, 4 surfaced).(1)

1. Brassey‘s naval and shipping annual 1923. Displacement 12.997 tons, dimensions 398.5 x 73.5 x 23.5 feet. Built by the Germaniawerft. Building costs 1.157.500 pound sterling. The armament consisted of 4-11” guns, 14-6.7” guns, 18-3.4” guns, 2-12pd guns and 4 machineguns and 5 torpedo tubes. Speed 18,0 knots. Crew numbered 743 men. The armour consisted of a 4-9” belt, 3” deck, slide above belt 6” , 6” bulkheads with the main and secondary armament protected by 6-10” respectively 6”.

Archive Dutch Naval Staff 1886-1942 (National Archive at the Hague, Netherlands)  inventory number 155. Fleets (the British Empire and foreign countries) on 1 February 1923.