
Monday 29 February 2016

Russian pre dreadnought battleship Imperator Pavel I 1903-1925

Of the Andrei Pervozvanny-class consisting of the Andrei Pervozvany and the Imperator Pavel I conceived in 1903. Building authorized on 16 August 1903. Preceded by the Borodino-class and succeeded by the Gangut-class. Baptized on 26 September 1903, laid down at the Baltic Shipyard, St. Petersburg, Russia on 27 October 1904, launched on 7 September 1907, commissioned on 10 March 1911,her building was delayed as a result of the 1905 Revolution and regularly design changes caused by the war with Japan 1904-1905, last trials executed in October 1911, during the First World War she was stationed in the Gulf of Finland, lattice masts cut down and fitted out with light topmasts in the end of 1914, fitted out with torpedo nets in begin 1915, sailors of her crew were responsible for the mutiny which broke out in the Baltic Fleet lying at Helsinki, Finland on 16 March 1917, renamed Respublika on 29 April 1917, left Helsinki, Finland with her sister ship on 5 April 1918, arrived at Kronstadt on 9 April despite the frozen Gulf of Finland, lacking enough sailors laid up in October 1918, started with breaking her up on 22 November 1923 although not earlier stricken from the list as on 21 November 1925. 

General technical specifications of this class. Displacement 17.600 tons/17.320 long tons-18.880 tons/18.580 long ton (deep load) and as dimensions 138,4 (waterline)-140,2 (over all) x 24,38 x 8,23 metres or 454.0-460.0 x 80.0 x 27.0 feet. Hull divided by 17 transverse watertight bulkheads and fitted out with a double bottom. The 2 4-cylindervertical triple expansion steam engines and 25 coal-fuelled Belleville boilers supplying via 2 shafts 18.596 (trials)-17.600 ihp (design) allowing a speed of 18,5 knots or with a speed of 12 knots a range of 2.400 nautical miles and a maximum coal bunker capacity of 1.500 tons. Their crew numbered 956 men. The armament consisted of 2x2-30,5cm/12” Model 1894 40 guns, 4x2&6x1-20,3cm/8” guns, 12x1-12cm/4.7” guns, 2x1- 45,7cm/18” torpedo tubes (removed in 1915); 4-7,6cm/3“ anti aircraft guns added in end 1916. The Krupp cemented armour consisted of a 10,2-2,16cm/4-8.5” thick belt, a 7,9-12,7cm/3.1-5” thick upper belt with the main gun turrets, secondary gun turrets, casemates and conning tower protected by respectively 10,2-12,7cm/4-5”, 12,7-15,2cm/5-6”, 7,9-12,7cm/3.1-5” and 10,2-20,3cm/4-8” thick armour.