
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Dutch screw steam corvette Zr. Ms. Medusa stationed in Japanese waters according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche staatscourant dated 6 August 1864

Model Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands. Original url

Collection Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands. Made by Maarten Bos, 1863.
Medura under fire by Japanese guns on 11 July 1863 in the Straits of Shimonoseki [Kanmon Straits]. Original url

An item referred to tidings dated 14 June 1864 dealing with the movements of the Dutch squadron in the Dutch East Indies reported that the Dutch screw steam corvette Zr. Ms. Medusa captain lieutenant jhr. F. de Casembroot was stationed in the waters of Japan and now lying at Nagasaki, Japan.(1)

1. Laid down at the navy yard of Amsterdam, Netherlands by A.E. Tromp on 25 November 1852, launched on 22 June 1854, departed from the shipyard on 23 November 1854, decommissioned 1 May 1865, converted with small costs into an accommodation ship to serve at the naval establishment at Surabaya, Dutch East Indies ,displacement 1.241 tons and as dimensions 51,50 x 11,14 x 5,00 metres, horsepower of 150 hp, an armament of 19 guns and a crew numbering 240 men.