
Wednesday, 28 September 2016

French minister of navy asked permission for building new battleships according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 18 December 1908



An item reported that the French minister of navy announced that he would sent a law proposal to the parliament asking for permission to built new large battleships.(1)

1. The Danton-class consisting of the Danton, Voltaire, Diderot, Condorcet, Mirabeau and Vergniaud with a displacement of 18.318 (normal)-19.663 (full load) tons to succeed the Liberté-class and of which the building started in 1908. Succeeded by the 23.475 (standard)-25.579 (full load) tons Courbet-class built between 1910-1914 consisting of the Courbet, Jean Bart, France and Paris.